These notes from friends have been a great consolation to me....therefore I thought I'd share them with you...
"It was an incredible experience for me and my family to be part of your loss and celebration of life. Just like you, but in a very different way, my heart feels heavy. Your mother was a great lady and her family is a testimony to that. I was proud of how you handled yourself and your strength. I know it was not easy to speak about your mom when you are mourning, but I am sure she was proud and smiling on you from above. I understand a little bit more about your family and how they lovingly support one another. You were never without a hand to hold or a tear to exchange. How fortunate you are!"
- Gia Borelli
"Thank you for this (ref. eulogy). It brought back a lot of memories of your mom.
You know I'm the last one to be a believer in things such as faith or the afterlife. Sure I respect everyone's faith, but I'm somewhat mixed up when it comes to that type of thing. Anyway, on Sunday night, as I finished putting the kids to bed I could have sworn I heard your mom's voice say, "Well, who is this?" in reference to the kids. I had the weirdest feeling go through my body. The voice was clear and only heard by me, but immediately a picture flashed into my head of your mom bent over with her hands on her knees talking to my oldest son. I left the room kind of shaking my head, then popped my head back into the room and said, "It's Nicholas!" I didn't want to miss my chance at communicating in some way to her. There was no reply, but I didn't need one. I know she heard me.
I can't tell you how many times I look towards your parents as role models as I raise my kids. I personally don't know how they did it with so many kids. Your mom's calmness truly played a big part. I look and looked towards your family many times and said to myself, "I want a big family." We have 3 kids now and are seriously considering adopting a couple more because of this.
I hope you and the rest of your family is doing well. We get back from Hawaii a week from Saturday."
Take care, Butch Green (was on vacation during funeral)
"I loved Ramona with all my heart. I had some wonderful conversation both happy and emotional with several members of the family. I thought about your mom often this last year when Marie was preparing for her Holy Communion. We had to attend classes. One night we talked about the power of prayer and we lit a candle and remembered and all prayed together as a group. I said, Ramona Warren was the first person to really teach me about prayer. We also had to talk about going to church and our family experiences growing up Catholic. I shared the many happy memories of my experience with the Warren family. Be ready for the 11:15 mass. I was the tag along. But thank your parents for including me. Your parents always accepted me and even let me hang out at dinner time. Best of all your mother was always there for me, especially as a young adult. I was embarrased orginally about my pregnancy and Ramona told me, "Honey, every child is a gift from God." She always told me what a beautiful baby Erica was. She always asked about her over the years. She was always there to listen. I had a hard time with the whole Alarcon family thing and them not allowing me to be with my Grandmother when she passed or even go and say goodbye to her body. Your mother reminded me, how much Marguerite loved me and always talked about me with her and how proud she was of me. Your mother would remind me of the gift my grandmother gave to me. No matter what the purpose of their actions I received the most important gifts as well as my children. The gifts of strength, and courage and to fight to the good fight for those who didn't have a voice. Your mom was so right. I often think about it when I am kicking as for my teen parents and their rights and what they have a right to. I often thought about your moms committment to the pregnancy center and how in my job I have to support my student's choices but I always learn a little towards them continuing their pregnancies. So I want to thank all of the Warren's for embracing me as a child and continuing to be a part of my life and include me as part of the family."
Susie Law
"My heartfelt condolensces. As I accessed this message on 8/1, I'll begin a Rosary Novena for the repose of her soul on 8/2."
Blessings in Christ, Tony Vallecillo (Seminarian from San Francisco)
"Aww, Rick. I'm so sorry to hear the news. That must be very hard for you. You and your family are in my prayers.
Peace, Rob Smet
"I'm sad to hear the news about your mom. This is a passage we'll all be facing in the years to come as our parents age. I'm so glad you have Gia in your life to support you and provide a comforting shoulder at this time. Since I'm not present to do that for you as well, just know I'm doing it in "virtual reality" via the internet. I wish you the time and space to thoroughly and completely mourn your mother's passing. No holding back. I also wish you the time and space to appreciate her gifts and her legacy (my personal legacy being Rick Warren!) Lots of healing vibes will be sent your way."
Love, Co (Colleen Murphy)
"Thanks so much for letting us know about this. How blessed you are to have had your mother with you for so long, and to be able to be with her at the end. That is something that I'm sure you will treasure for the rest of your life. May all the wonderful memories of your mom and family sustain you through this sad time."
-Debbie Tatto (from Rick's former prayer group)
"So sorry to hear about your mother. I am sure she will be looking down from heaven, smiling on all of us every time we choose to ride out there in God's country (ref. Hollister Hills). Hugs to you at this sad time, it is never easy to lose a loved one, especially one as special as your mom."
xoxo, julie brown (bike buddy-ALC)
"Teresa and I are so sorry to hear of the passing of your mother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you." -Sincerely, Randall Kline (Executive Director/Founder-SFJAZZ)
"As I sit here and jot down a few thoughts you all are sitting together in Sacred Heart Church, surrounded by so many people whom your Mother touched in her life. Please know that I am there as well, even though I am so far away! One of the most wonderful memories I have of your Mom is the way she looked on the day of your parents' 50th wedding anniversary. It was the MOST romantic event I have ever witnessed. Your Dad looking up from the lectionary and reciting the scripture by heart.... looking straight down at your Mother as if he were seeing her for the first time. An amazing enduring love that was palpable and made the congregation gathered believe that true love and friendship was possible. And then the sight of all of your siblings and you lined up on either side of your parents as they renewed their vows.... WOW!!!!
What a life force they have created with their marriage!
Your Mother and Father have made an incredible impression on me over the years and it is one that endures and leaves me feeling very FAR AWAY FROM HOME today as you all celebrate her life and death in the Lord. My pop in visits with your parents over the years, catching up with them at Sunday Mass and the annual Halloween trick or treating have been comfort food for my soul over the years. Life changes so quickly and moves even more quickly that the sameness and steadiness of your parents was reassurance of the goodness and fullness of life. I try to live a meaningful life and fill my boys' days with substantial content and lasting tradition and your parents were an example to me of how to go about doing that.
When we decided to move to TX, to make this big change.... I knew I would miss many things and people that had been part of my world... but that that would be part of the adventure. However, I also knew that I would lose some things completely..... and that nothing would be the same afterwards.... losing your Mom is one such loss. But as Christians we know that she is not lost.... don't we? She is only around the corner waiting for us. I for one can't wait to see her again.
With sincerest condolences and gratitude for the opportunity to know your Mom!!!"
Love, Liz (Herbert) Barnett
The sadness of death
gives way to the bright
promise of immortality.
Lord, for your faithful people
life is changed, not ended.
When the body of our earthly
dwelling lies in death,
we gain an everlasting dwelling
in heaven.
—Roman Missal
"Debbie passed onto me your message about the death of your Mom. I know from all that you shared with us in the past what a great lady she was. At 88, she had a rich life, and left many children to carry on the dream. I know what a loss it must be for you and your whole family, and I want to assure you of my prayers. As you grieve your loss, never forget the kingdom your Mom has gained. I'm sure that she'll still be there for you, although in a new way. Hope your Dad is able to cope with his own personal loss-- I'm sure your presence means a lot to him now." ----
"Thank you for sharing your eulogy with me-- I appreciated being able to read it, and in that way, take part somewhat in the celebration of your Mom. Glad that the family was able to receive such strong support. I'm sure you will all find support in one another now that the funeral is over and the hard task of going back to ordinary life begins. I'll be thinking of you."
-Peace, Fr. Greg Hyde (Rick's former prayer group/priest living overseas)