What would turn out to be my final "training ride" was a gorgeous stroll into the Hollister Hills with my favorite gal.
We squeezed my bike into Gia's car along with a huge ice chest and our bags. When we arrived in our hometown of Hollister to sunny skies off we went with Gia borrowing her brother Steve's girlfriends bike. She was a trooper on her first ride in awhile on the much heavier mountain bike. The ride amounted to 15 miles including a few small hills and a loop out on Southside Road and Airline Hwy. We peddled up to my family's house as if we'd rode straight from San Francisco to the surprise of some.
Along the way we reminisced about times long past, when all the subdivisions didn't exist. We even rode by cousin Joe and Gae's house, but they weren't home. When riding in Hollister, and especially out near Cienega, I'm always reminded of how beautiful it is and proud to come from such a place.