Know Your Family, Know Yourself
For this contest you are allowed to try and get answers from one or more people (except Cefe) to 3 of these questions; select carefully (we’ll be checking on you Anita). If using email be sure to keep it private.
Please email your answers to Rick AND Cefe. Deadline is Oct. 4th (John’s birthday). The winner will receive a special gift from the Golden One. Have fun!
1. What was Kenny's nickname at St. Mary's?
2. What festival did Peggy & David attend for several years in Ashland, Oregon?
3. What club did Bonny & Brian join a few years ago?
4. Where did Susy & Steve go on their first "unofficial" date?
5. What degree does Sean have his Masters in?
6. Besides California, name two other states that Cefe & Dave lived in.
7. What present did Dave give Maria on Mother's Day in honor of her friend Terry?
8. What is Joey’s favorite "animal”?
9. Who is Kevin's favorite Saint?
10. What much wanted gift did Peter get for his 10th birthday?
11. What famous person does Anita look & act like?
12. What is Ricky's confirmation name? If you put his first name in front of it what singer does he become?
13. What is Altie's middle name?
14. Name the small Hawaiin Island that Brian, Santa and Jade lived on.
15. What is Brendon's favorite sport to play?
16. As a toddler, what was Trenton's favorite Sesame Street character?
17. What is Shahera's main nickname?
18. What is Clint's current job?
19. Name at least one (guess up to four) of Rivi's all-time favorite Broadway musicals.
20. What sport did Quinlan play from age 5 to 12?
21. Geoff & Rayna's friends Jason & Karin recently had twin daughters. What are their names?
22. What city did Chelsea go to for sea camp this summer?
23. What did Rochelle recently become?
24. What musical play did Johan have the lead in?
25. What special event, in August, did David Horton celebrate?
26. Name 2 sports that Samara played in school last year.
27. What was the last play Nicky was in?
28. What is Alana's favorite book series?
29. What is Carson's favorite TV show?
30. What Disney character did Ariana dress up as, last Christmas, when she sang?
31. What is Amari's favorite Sesame Street character?
32. In what country was Claire born?
33. What word does Dave Damitz' first, middle & last name initials spell?
34. Name the company that Gia just started work at?
35. Name at least two vegetables that Sally is growing in her wonderful garden?
36. Who are the two newest babies in our family?
-The Golden One, Cefe