Monday, June 25, 2012

Creative Cover Letter

[WARNING: Shameless name dropping and multiple links ensue!]

The requisite resume info (linked here) never tells the whole story, does it?  Here’s the whole story:  

I’ve been described as a “rick-of-all-trades” in production, having worked in the theatre, radio, television, film and music industries.  As the youngest of 12 children I’ve had the rare advantage of learning from the mistakes of so many older siblings as guideposts. 

My theatrical experiences proved a good place to get started.  Especially following a stint as Stage Manager for “the best college production in the country” when we took a play to The National College Theatre Festival at The Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.  While supervising 30 young actors, my luggage was lost, but that’s a whole other story.

Among my greatest accomplishments is a decade of helping turn Franklin Mieuli and Associates around from near bankruptcy to the number one sports radio engineering company in the U.S. and Canada.  Wearing many hats (but never one of Franklin Mieuli’s famous deerstalkers) I learned a lot while scheduling engineers and technicians.  We had fun in the process, literally watching from the sidelines as the 49ers won multiple championships and the Warriors lost multiple star players and games.  Jerry Rice has the biggest hand I’ve ever shaken and there were great hangs with NBA Hall of Famer Chris Mullin. 

Since 1999 as a day-hire at KQED/TV my responsibilities vary from stagehand to Stage Manager and I’m a proud card carrying member of our union: NABET-CWA Local 51Gwen Iffil of PBS Newshour and Washington Week in Review called me the best teleprompter she ever worked with.  She may have been joking.  I often have had the pleasure of spattering on the kitchen sets of Jacques Pepin, Lidia Bastianich and Michael Chiarello

I Stage Managed the annual NorCal Emmy Awards for 20 years even though I may have displeased the late Mrs. Temple Black by not calling her Shirley.  Other freelance work at events including the Black and White Ball, Superbowl parties and numerous Galas have further qualified me to interact with high profile artists, athletes and other fancy types. 

I dabbled in film festivals where I established the groundwork of managing hundreds of multifaceted volunteers at the SF Int’l Film Festival, not an easy task.  Once I tried my hand at Assistant Directing an independent film, and am still waiting for it to be released. 

At SFJAZZ, I melded my volunteer management experience with event and house manager skills.  Under my leadership we received a “Volunteer Management Award of Excellence.” I successfully implemented Shiftboard to schedule and track volunteers online and we were used in this case study.  Artists like Jake Shimabukuro might even remember my name, thousands of volunteers certainly do.  Later, I created an organization-wide Google doc tracking system for all productions – leaving the production department better than when I started. 

Currently you will find me leading running and driving tours as Chief Raccoon for Ricky Raccoon ToursI am so proud that my unique start-up is featured on the likes of Airbnb Experiences, Anyguide, Stir! Events, Vayable and Vimbly. Meanwhile I continue to dabble in television production and driving my ride-share for SideCar, the people person's perfect gig. 

At my church I became a Lay Preacher and discovered my charism of writing and public speaking.  My Jasper type is a Visionary, with these unique strengths: Empowering, Expressive, Communication and Collaborative. 

Simultaneously focused on customer service and the organizations needs, I work great in a team, individually and am enthusiastic and joyful to help your organization. [END]