Monday, September 18, 2006

Don Kimball dies

Why am I sharing this news on my blog?

At one time Fr. Don was someone I looked up to very much. A charismatic priest with an uncanny ability to remember virtually everyone's name and inspire the youth of the Catholic church like no other I knew. A DJ and radio personality he used modern music, interesting stories and motivating lectures on a circuit that included the entire nation. I first met Fr. Don when I was only 11 or 12 as he came to Monterey Diocese alot in the 70's. Later in the mid-80's I happened to attend Sonoma State and his Cornerstone Media was a long bike ride away in Santa Rosa, so I became part of the core team while a Jr. in college. The next year, my last, I worked for the company (@ $5 an hour) on brochures and was the designated computer person. Don affectionately named the computer hard drive, "Rick." Soon I was doing radio spots and they were being distributed nationally. I was the first team member to voice for his "One on One" radio show. My topic was on teen suicide, using modern music. I worked under Anna Scally and met many new friends who were either in High School or College. Don was travelling alot and was hard to pin down. My admiration waned over the years, and we had one significant run-in before I graduated and left the area. I had previously imagined travelling the circuit as a junior Don Kimball, but that wasn't in the cards. Thank God.

Many years later it was revealed that Don was stripped of his collar and accused of molesting many young people. I am not one to pass judgement but I have to believe this is no misunderstanding. A flawed man, Kimball had many qualities we looked up to. But apparently, with his volital personality and a pension for drinking wine, he had a very dark side. It came to haunt him so many years later and he was convicted of sex abuse, and soon went on Connie Chung's show to profess his innocence. The U.S. Supreme Court overturned his case due to a statute of limitations law, and he did only 10 months for striking a photographer. A link to the whole story is below.

I have no tolerence for sexual predators. I believe that you can not trust everyone. Priests included. However, it is my belief that many priests are among the most understanding and giving people I've known. And yet I would never condone anything Don did, I am sorry for what become of him. How sad, and yet what a relief.

Ex-priest Kimball, convicted in sex abuse, found dead
Body of former Sonoma County youth minister found in Windsor town house
Donald W. Kimball, the charismatic Catholic youth minister convicted of molesting a 13-year-old girl, was found dead at a Windsor town house early Friday, police said.
See story below


Anonymous said...

Well put! I can't believe all the comments after the article, Interesting?

Tom J. Mariani said...

Read my "Open Mic" article in this week's (06-04-08) "Bohemian." I can also forward you what I have submitted to the Pres Democrat in Santa Rosa
Tom J. Mariani

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Lady Jane said...

Wow this is so sad, I have actually spoken to this man, when I was in High School. I didn't grow up Catholic but had many Catholic friends that I met through Drama and Debate UIL meets in the DFW area, as well as dating a Catholic guy in H.S. So I went to a Christian Maturity weekend, where I grew stronger with Christ. This is where I met Fr. Don. I too looked up to him and remembered the dirty dozen and psalms 151 from his ministry and was looking it up online, and wanted to see what happened to him after all these years. Well now I see, and it is so sad.