Friday, November 17, 2006

Bonny on being a Grandmother

I am overjoyed at being a Grandmother to Jade Brie Wear who is 17 months old. Two years ago we went to dinner in Los Angeles with Brian & Santa. We picked them up and they presented us with a poem in a picture frame for the first picture when their first child would be born in April or May of 2005 and was I excited to hear the news. In December of 2005 we went to Kailua & Honolulu for a 3 week visit. Santa went to get a ultrasound and Brian & I were in the room when we saw that it would most likely be A GIRL! To see her in the womb in excellent condition as Santa was 5 ½ months along brought tears to our eyes. When Jade was born on April 20th of 2005 at 8lbs. 3 ozs. and healthy after Santa had PUPPS disease and had to deliver 10 days early, was such a relief. When went to Hawaii when Jade was one month and stayed 2 weeks and upon seeing my precious Grand-daughter for the 1st. time at the airport was full circle remembering Brian's birth 35 years before. Even though we live so far away, Brian & Santa E-mail pictures every week. We call each other often and Jade listens to my voice. I say this is Grandma Bonny and I hear her chuckle on the phone. She is a beautiful and has such a cute personality. We are planning to visit in January or February of next year in Lanai to see my special princess of a Grand-daughter!
Sister Bonny

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful.