Saturday, January 13, 2007

Wisdom from Mitch Albom

“There’s a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. How a scar got on your face. Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking. But behind all your stories is always your mother’s story, because hers is where yours begins.”

-Mitch Albom from:
for one more day

A personal story:
Long before Mitch Albom became famous for "Tuesdays with Morrie" and later "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" he was a sports writer in Detroit (and still is) and had his own sports radio talk show. As many of you know, I was in that business off and on for about 15 years. Anyway, we used to be responsible for putting the Detroit Tigers and Red Wings on the air. Occassionally I'd get a call that Mitch was on the road with one of the teams and needed an engineer. I'd book him an engineer and get him on the air in short-order. I never met Mitch or even spoke with him. But when he became a best selling book author I put it all together and in some way like to think I had a hand in it. Now I read all his books, which have each become TV movies. Morrie was played by the late Jack Lemon, also a favorite and someone I HAVE met. His latest book, "for one more day" really struck a chord for me as it focuses on a man's relationship with his dead mother and what would happen if you had one more day.


Anonymous said...

Rick, I knew you would like that book, I read it shortly after mom died to keep my mind busy. I loved it, of course I like short reads anyway. I think I gave mine to Sean, I think he'd like it too. -Anita

Cefe said...

I'm reading the book now borrowed from Peggy & I hear Maria wants to read it.That's cool about the connections.I haven't read his other books but saw the movie "Tuedsays with Morrie With Hank Azaria & Jack Lemmon.Of all the celebrities that we used to meet at the "Crosby" golf tournament he was my favorite.Happy,nice & very jovial.To continued connections! Peace,Cefe