Monday, February 05, 2007

Third Times a Charm - ALC6

AIDS/LifeCycle 6
545 miles
From the City of St. Francis to the City of Angels
June 3-9, 2007

Dear Friends and Family,
I'm bicycling in AIDS/LifeCycle once again. It's a 7-day, 545-mile journey from SF to LA to make a world of difference in the lives of people living with HIV and AIDS.

When I began this journey in 2005, it had been 20 years since I rode a bike any significant distance. Now, I don’t own a car and ride my bike during the week, on weekends and even to jazz concerts. I thoroughly enjoy being on my bike and it has been life-changing. The extensive training that goes into this ride is an important part of my year. As a Training Ride Leader, I also enjoy helping others get ready for June.

This year, I’m especially excited to celebrate my birthday, Day 5, on Red Dress Day. For me, this is both the most emotional and most fun of all the days. We wear red dresses or dress in red as the route doubles back on itself, which from above creates an AIDS ribbon.

In my third year, I look back at how many miles I’ve ridden (a lot); the great people I’ve met (which is many); the money I’ve raised (over $7K); and most importantly the lives it has affected. It all started as a challenging event to commemorate my 40th birthday.

The ride benefits and is produced by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. SFAF has been instrumental in the fight against HIV and AIDS since it’s inception in 1984. Today, the organization continues its services to over 120,000 Bay Area residents every year. The foundation even established an affiliate, the Pangea Global AIDS Foundation, which has opened clinics in Uganda, South Africa and Rwanda.

My goal this year is to raise $5000. There is a $5K incentive which is a unique jersey. I plan to coast into Malibu with this special prize and I know with your help I will do just that.

Help me by giving what you can. We'll keep riding until AIDS and HIV are a thing of the past. Thank you for joining me in this journey.

Love and Peace,
Rider #6829

P.S. For more information and to donate online go to my homepage at:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Third times a charm....go for it! See you soon.