Some of you might have been wondering what happened to me, where have all the postings gone. Well I'm gonna 'splain Lucy. After another garage break-in, my 1 year old Specialized Rubaix Elite bicycle was stolen in January, right as my training season was beginning. This would be the 4th stolen bike from our garage in about 2 years. We think we've been targeted and have taken precautions each time, but to no avail. This last one really hurt, both in the emotional sense and the pocket book. We've been considering a move ever since (and our building is up for sale).
After the grieving period I began the process of deciding what to do next: buy a new bike, a used bike or dump the idea all-together thinking fate just wasn't with me in regards to training for yet another AIDS/LifeCycle. This delay has put my fundraising needs aside as well, although a few dollars have trickled in regardless, each one motivating me to make my next move. My brother Kevin attempted to loan me a bike he had, but in the end it wasn't a good fit.
While relaxing in Maui and trying to overcome the flu (a cough still lingers), I came to a decision. God willing, I would ride again. I started researching every website, local bike shops and eBay for the perfect bike and best deal I could find. It would have to feel right, work within my budget and come together in time for the final 2 months of training (which is now), or else. In the process I've decided this likely will be my final ALC; and I have other fish to fry in '08 (stay tuned).
I'm happy to report that tonight I bought a new carbon fiber beauty from Sports Basement, a strong supporter of ALC and it's riders. The gorgeous blue Felt 20-speed was on sale and I got a further discount for being an ALC rider. I won't get in to the actual costs, but it was about 40% off to MSRP. Furthermore, I'll get full support for 2 years from the bike techs there and a free bike fit in a few weeks. Important things to consider as opposed to buying online new or used.
As you can imagine I'm as pleased as punch and am readying myself for this weekend's training rides. Next up, the important task of asking for those all important dollars I'll need in order to actually do the ride again. The deadline is coming soon. Stay tuned as we embark June 3rd.
P.S. Happy to be posting again and will keep the updates coming. See my sisters poem below.
1 comment:
RICKY: Glad you are riding again as this is the year I want to root you on in LA, big question? What do you have planned for '08???????????? See you soon. Love you and keep on treking in David's honor. Love, Anita
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