This past weekend I had the good fortune of spending a few days (and nights) in Reno with my closest friends and 3 of my 4 brothers. We didn't have any fun, and nothing happened other than a lot of gambling and some eating. That's what I'm supposed to tell you.
Truth be told, there was a roast, multiple Top-10 lists, plenty of drinking, some singing (I was honored to reprise "Hey Jude"), goofy dancing, race cars and miniature golf.
Those who attended were:
Altie Ford, "D" as in L.T.D., my nephew, friend and Best Man
Butch Green, "R.L.S.", one of my oldest and dearest friends
Wayne Purves, "Cool Wayne", my ol' tennis buddy and roomate
Jim Arballo, "Pastor J", the best guy to have around at 3am
Rob Smet, "Big Rob" the smallest guy of the bunch, and my ol' friend from youth ministry
Eric Allen, "E.A." or Eazy, my boy and co-worker
Kevin Warren, "Kevinino", Brother #3
Sean Warren, "Uncle Seany", Brother #2
Ken Warren, "Rummy", Brother #1
We also had names for the 7 of us (before the brothers arrived on Saturday)..but they shall remain a secret among the dwarf's.
I am so grateful to all the boys who showed up and did all the planning, picked up tabs, teased me relentlessly (a form of affection) and took my jokes with a grain of salt. I especially want do a shout out to Butch (Jesse) for his pre-planning and itinerary.
I'll never forget Groomzilla weekend, July 18-20, 2008...and neither will Reno.
2:30pm - Rest Time, Down Time and Play Time
Now that you got Hey, Jude out of your system, we hope you won't sing it at your wedding...ha
ah! there will be no singing at our reception. just good old fashion records.
any special requests?
So you think there will be no singing! How 'bout one TOP: "This Time It's Real" (as opposed to last time - hee hee). You may recall as the D.J. that was our "First Dance".
i do recall.
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