See the lady with the white hair. I was driving pass an evacuation center on Tues. a.m. to selfishly see if my bank was open, they were closed on Monday. Somehow I saw her little dog that looked like Toto and she was talking to a volunteer in an Orange Vest. I asked if she was Ok, and she kept saying that she left her purse in her home because she had to evacuate so fast. She asked the guy to go retrieve it. I would say she was 10 miles away from home. I told her I was going to run an errand but I would be back to see if she was Ok. 20 min. later I came back with my 8 year old. She was fiddling in her car with her dog, so I wanted her out of the smoke, even though Escondido wasn't that smokey, it was HOT! We sat in the "Christian High School" evacuation center around the corner from my house for about an hour, when the volunteer came back and said, "sorry they won't let me in." I could tell she was worried. She got separated from her neighbors and was just alone. My 13 year old joined us and finally I asked, don't you want to come to my house with the air conditioning and I have little dogs and lots of kids running around. She agreed! I had my 13 year old drive with her...yes she still drives at 86 years old. She ended up staying with us for 3 days, 2 nights and what a blessing she was to have. I guess I could've picked up some "crazy old lady" but something (someone) brought me to her!!! She told my 8 year old that she could be her adopted granddaughter and without her knowing, I cried. Come to find out she is a military wife, her husband passed away 6 years ago and her children are all out of state. She told me she was catholic and her children went to Catholic School. I talked to her 58 year old daughter in upstate New York, and she was grateful. I told her I couldn't imagine my mom or dad being in this situation and although the evacuation centers do all that they could, it isn't like sleeping in a HOME. A day later my husband drove his motorcycle to her home, watered it down and then my daughter grabbed her purse for her. They locked the doors behind them and brought her purse to her. She left at 7 am this morning and I cried. I think we will be seeing her again. NEEDLESS TO SAY: My mom intervened on this situation and I feel her presence wherever I go.
I'm crying now after reading your heartfelt story. Was Dottie able to go back to her home or somewhere else? Thanks for sharing such a wonderful experience of "What You 'Gained' In The Fire".
Love you all,
This story is so touching. She sure looks like my mo-in-law, Priscilla, and is similar in that she has a small dog, likes to paint, and is easy going and "low maintenance." I enjoyed meeting her. Tim and Nicki were heroic driving backroads to rescue her purse and lock up her house. Your other photo is so dramatic. The contrast between bright blue sky right next to smoky grey ones. I have also sent a "story from the front" to Ricky that includes a reference both to that sky image and Mom. A thought I had today, while walking around the lake after writing my story: When I find myself at the intersection of pain and creativity I have to produce something- a drawing, a poem, a story. You seem to do that also.
Love, Vinny
Awesome story Anita. Sounds like something from an Oprah Episode. Is she back home?
It sounds like part of a mini-series that will undoubtedly be made on the So Cal fires.
We sent 10 boxes of clothes to the Red Cross and they assure us that it will reach those who need it.
So if you see some Pinger Logo'd T-Shirts running around, you will know where they came from...
Dear Butch,
You sounded like a John Wayne type when you "pingered" us Warrens in SoCal during the fires and promised to "Get in a truck, grab Rick and get everyone out of there." i was touched at the intensity of the bold gesture even if we didn't need that level of rescuing after all.
So instead in the end, all we get is some neighbors wearing your pinger logo shirts?
just kidding. Thanks for the Support, it felt great.
Dearest Anita & Tim & family, You truly epitomize what it means to "pay it forward".To take in Dottie for a few days was a blessing to her & to you. Mama used to say everything happens for a reason. No doubt there is some divine intervention going on.That's great that Dottie still drives & she's so bright eyed. I also think she looks like Priscilla. May God bless all of you for reaching out. One love, Cefe
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