I love this picture for so many reasons. We are obvously mauling each other and having fun in the girls room. Nini was 14, I was 12 and Altie 7. Notice the red lamps that don't match teh checkered bed spreads, limited wall hangings, Nini's greasy hair, Altie's little afro, my very '70's clothes, which are back in certain circles. We had so much fun playing with each other and jumping on those series of beds. Who recalls the order of the girls' beds? (Anita, Maria, Cefe, Josefa?). I know Joey's was closest to the upstairs and also the firmest.
Before long Amari and Alana will be the same ages as their parents were here.
OK, for ONE THIIIIING...I just got out of the shower, so it was wet not greasy, FOR ANOTHER THIIIING...the order of beds were Anita, Cefe, Maria , Joey and FURTHER MORE...I think you mean the red lamp shades, I loved those things. One more trivia...behind us is MY bed, it has a hand made pillow and quilt on it. Peggy & David made those for me for Christmas one year. The pillow had a huge A on it in cordory...not long after this picture was taken Trenton was born and we went to Oregon to have is Baptism, I left the pillow in a hotel we stayed at at Bend, Oregon...I was so bummed. Sorry don't remember what happened to the blankie, but maybe it's still in Hollister? Wishful thinking. ONE LOVE! -Anita
For "one thiiiiing", my hair was not greasy, I just got out of the shower, I'm sure of it, cause we had company. For "another thiiing", the bed go, closest to the wall, "Anita, Cefe, Maria, Josefa". I loved those lamp shades, I think Mom & Dad got them for super cheap at Levitz...remember "Love it at Levitz". For a bit of other trivia...the bed behind us is MINE and see the Pillow and Quilt, those were handmade by David & Peggy, they gave them to me for Christmas one year. The pillow had a huge "A" on it and was made out of courdory. When Trenton was baptized in Oregon, we drove there and I left my pillow at a hotel in Bend, Oregon. I was so bummed. As for the quilt, maybe it's still in Hollister???? I love this picture too Rick! ONE LOVE, Anita
This picture is great & I don't think I ever saw it before. I loved those lamps too as they were very modern for those times. I remember going to Levitz & getting a couch I think.Ricky I remember that gold & brown vest that you wore.Nini I remember that quilt too & sorry you lost your pillow. Altie you were just a little "mew mew" then now you have two "mew.mews" of your own.Great memories! One Love, Cefe
Nini and Cef,
Thanks for the comments on this. I recently got this picture from a photo album of mine that Kevin found while moving. There are a few other precious pictures of me and Mom and some class pictures from Sacred Fart. Of course Nini's right with the bed order, I had forgotten. But who had the firmest and who the softest?
p.s. I can think of a good present for Nini if you picked her name, can't you?
p.p.s. Cefe, I think I wore that vest for like 10 years, no wonder you recall it...LOL.
Rick, isn't that the vest you wore in your bike picture???
It's classic that you are quick to nail your sibling by saying she has greasy hair, instead of realizing it was just showered hair.
I do the same...
I knew Anita had just washed her hair because I think David or I took that pix...it's one of my favorite since you guys were always mauling!
It is a darling photo that shows the joy of playing together. But are you sure it is from 1977. Anita sure doesn't look 14. you all look younger-Oobsie, Doobsie and MewMew.
Ps That used to be my bed. I knew it was time to consider moving out, when at 18, I had to share it with a singing but cold footed 5 year old little Nini.
You go Butch, way to stick up for me! Send pictures of your boys sometime soon and come visit us in Hollister during the holidays, we miss your CD Playing Talent for our play. ha!
Oh yeah, and one more thing Butch. We miss your "pooka shells in Hawaii" dance.
So what are CD's these days? LOL. I don't think I've touched once since illegal downlads of music started.
It would be great to see everyone. When is everyone getting to Hollister?
FYI, don't know if anyone has seen the google map of the fires in San Diego county, but here it is: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=114250687465160386813.00043d08ac31fe3357571
It's all over the place, so please take care.
Thanks for the comments. Most of us will be in Hollister over Christmas. I'll spend time at home and at the Borelli's, convenient to have a g/f who's family lives 6 blocks away. Bring your keyboard or MP3 playeR. We could do a skit (with 80's hair?) of us as "The Final Dimension" DJ's.
Appreciate your latest Pinger messages in regard to the SoCal fires. That google map came in handy. All looks well with Susy and Anita's areas; so we won't need to go down in a truck and save them.
Beer's soon. Come up for some Jazz before 11/17... www.sfjazz.org
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